Tuesday, March 30, 2010

The Motive

The motivation behind starting this blog is simple: it will be a documentary of my training, my diet, my lifestyle, and of course, my random thoughts. The inspiration you ask? That also, is simple. About three months ago I had shoulder surgery; it was an AC joint debridement as well as an acromioclavicular joint arthroscopy. Say what? Let me clarify: I had a partial tear on my supraspinatus muscle, one of the four muscles that make up the rotator cuff. In addition to the tear, my clavicle bone was actually pressing down upon my rotator cuff (ouch!). How did this happen? I honestly have no idea - I blame it on an 'old football injury'...but that sounds lame.

My surgery took place on 12 January 2010. I was in a sling for about six weeks; however, after about one and a half weeks after my surgery, I was starting to 'move' again. I was devising countless one-armed WODs that would challenge me, while still protecting my right shoulder.

I have been diligently attending my weekly physical therapy sessions; however, I am not challenged . As the weeks have progressed, I have become more confident in my abilities. I understand protocol...I truly do. But, for the past three and a half years, I have conditioned my body to an entirely different level of fitness: it is called CrossFit.

After qualifying, and subsequently competing, in the 2009 CrossFit Games, I discovered where I stood among the world's fittest individuals. I wanted to do better at the Games; however, I am not disappointed in my performance. It just drives me to improve. And that is really the foundation of this blog: The Training Never Stops! No matter what limitation, disability, or roadblock...the training never stops!

I hope that my words will encourage you to endlessly pursue your fitness goals. The CrossFit community is a support system that will always be there - it will inspire you to achieve goals you never dreamed possible. Find a CrossFit affiliate, introduce yourself, participate in your first WOD (workout of the day), and achieve your health and fitness goals!

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Mobility WOD