Friday, March 25, 2011


Vic showing 'em how it's done!
The Merriam-Webster online dictionary defines the word redo, as follows: to do over or again. As CrossFitters, and given the opportunity, will we redo a WOD to achieve more favorable results? Of course we will. As CrossFitters, we are rarely satisfied with our original performance. And this is not only in regard to the WOD, but also in life.

We have developed a newly-found sense of excellence. Mediocrity is no longer acceptable. Put simply, mediocrity is no longer found in our vocabulary. This particular blog post was inspired by two things:

Before CrossFit I was doing alright. My profession was fulfilling, I was happy, and life was good. However, after I discovered CrossFit, and in the months and years that followed, my profession became a speed bump in front of a dream, I went from happy to content, and life was mediocre.

Now, I have a true and clear vision of what I want...nay, what I need to do. With the support of my wife, family, and priceless friends, my new profession will be an absolute reward, I will be exultant, and my life will be full of wondrous happiness and opportunity.

So, tomorrow, I will redo the 2011 CrossFit Games Open WOD 11.1, and toward the end of the year I will redo the path of my life. Who is with me?

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Mobility WOD