Thursday, March 31, 2011

Walk Away...But Come Back, and Soon!

Sometimes we need to just walk away. And I am not talking about quitting--this is different. Honestly, it is difficult for me to explain, but I will try. Let me give an example--a personal account.

If you read my previous blog post, you'll know that I had planned on reattempting the CrossFit Games Open WOD 11.1. The plan was to give the workout another try within the safe and warm confines of my garage. The night before, my sleep was broken and restless. But I will not attribute that to nerves. I will attribute it to the fact that I did not take the necessary, personal steps to prepare for such a mentally and physically demanding task.

The alarm clock sounded, and I reluctantly rolled out of bed. My body ached. I had been already telling myself that "this was gonna suck" and that I simply did not want to do it. First mistake. I not-so-figuratively dragged my feet to the dresser drawer...trying to find something appropriate to change into for the workout. Finally, with the correct attire chosen,  I trudged out into my garage. My lovely and supportive wife was right there the entire time, with video camera and timer ready to go.

With a less-than-adequate warm-up, I told my wife that I was "ready". She spouted off the four words that I have heard countless times in the last five years: three, two, one, go! My mind was not right. I was in the middle of the second round of snatches, and something clicked in my head. It wasn't: "oh this sucks...this hurts...I want to rest". No, it wasn't that. It was this: I am done, I do not want to do this...this isn't happening today".

I knew in my heart, mind, body, and soul that it was just not the time to do this. The only thing or person that I hold accountable for this is, simply: me. I had not valued the preparation that it took to perform at the level that was needed. The next 36 hours were miserable, because the only thing that I could think about was how disappointed I was in myself.

I was fortunate enough to be in the CrossFit Blacksburg area the very next day. Besides being a top-notch CrossFit Affiliate, CrossFit Blacksburg is the box where my Mom trains, and one of my favorite places to visit. Amy, Neil, and Jesse are three of the best CrossFit owners/coaches that I have met to date (and I've had the opportunity to meet quite a few). I was prepared to do the WOD that they had programmed for Saturday morning; however, Neil asked me if I wanted to redo the CrossFit Games Open WOD. He and Amy were going to give it another go after the 9:00 class. That was my opportunity. Of course, I accepted.

My heart was right. My mind was right. My body was right. My soul was right. The result? 10 repetitions more than my previous attempt.

The moral of the story is this: sometimes, it is okay to walk away. Sometimes, you just need to surround yourself with people that emit positive energy--they will help and motivate you. Sometimes, it is okay to walk away, but you need to come back...and soon!

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