Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Two Out of Three Ain't Bad...

When I press F5...when I right-click and hit "reload"...I realize that my fate has already been sealed. You may be asking, "what the heck is he talking about?!" Well, if you are half as obsessed with the WOD as I am, then you will be able to empathize.

What I mean to say is: I get anxious because I am waiting to overcome the next "unknown and unknowable" obstacle. Whether it is the CrossFit main site WOD, or another affiliate's WOD, I know that the challenge will be "constantly varied, functional movement, executed at high intensity" (quoted by Greg Glassman). But, still, I have no real idea what the workout is going to be! That messes with my mind.

On one particular day, I decided to go with CrossFit Blacksburg's WOD. I opened my browser, navigated to my favorites, and clicked on the appropriate link. In the milliseconds that it took to arrive at the requested website, my heart leaped and skipped a couple of beats. Why? Because I was anxious...I was nervous...I was waiting to overcome the next CrossFit obstacle. I scrolled down the page to see what the WOD was going to be. My reaction, and in the words of Meatloaf, "Two Out of Three Ain't Bad". Here's what it was:

Three rounds, 3 minutes on, 3 minutes off:
Perform as many rounds and reps, each round, as possible of:
3 Box jumps, 34"
3 Push Presses, 155lbs
3 Muscle-ups

My score: 113 reps

1 comment:

Mobility WOD